In the middle of gut-wrenching grief, God spoke to Craig

“A few days after my wife died of cancer, I remember listening to a song on Rhema 99.7 that spoke straight to my heart.
It basically said, ‘I know what you’re feeling and I’m with you all the way’.
There are certain moments in your life when you remember exactly where you were, and what you were doing when they happened. This was such a moment for me.
I was about to get petrol at Mt Hutton. I pulled the car over and started crying, overwhelmed that my God in Heaven would speak directly to me through a song on the radio, letting me know He was with me and always would be.
I often wake up each morning with a song on my heart that I have heard previously from Rhema 99.7, speaking to me for that day.
I thank God for his ministry through Rhema 99.7. You will probably never know, this side of Heaven, just how powerfully Rhema 99.7 FM is being used by God for His glory.”


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