By: yesHEis

The roar of the aeroplane’s engines fills the cabin. Your hands are shaking. You know exactly what’s about to happen. It’s your first ever skydive and you have never been more nervous. 

As the side door opens, you are hit by the cold rushing wind entering the fuselage. You move to the door and in seconds you are plummeting toward planet earth, your entire life entrusted to 10 square metres of material, some rope and a backpack.

It’s strange to think of the things you place your trust in. Parachutes. Pilots. That someone won’t just run over us as we walk down the sidewalk. We trust all these things without thinking but we don’t trust the God of the Universe when talking to someone about Jesus.

The Holy Spirit has promised He has our back and that he’ll be there for us when we share Jesus, but do we really trust Him when the moment arrives?

We are more inclined to trust people that we know, so when it comes to growing trust in the Holy Spirit, we should start by learning more about Him.

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is there to help and guide us, and there are plenty of Bible stories that show that he is trustworthy. In the Old Testament, the Israelites had to learn step by step how to trust God. Even after God performed miracles to get them out of Egypt and miraculously opened the Red Sea so they could cross over, they still grumbled that God wouldn’t help them. So if you feel like it’s taking a while to grow trust, you’re not alone.

Psychologist and business coach Charles Feltman said that:

“Trust is choosing to make something important to you, vulnerable to the actions of someone else.”

You don’t want to jeopardise your friendships by talking about Jesus, because relationships are important to you. It can be hard to trust God in the big things because they seem too risky, so start by growing your trust in the small things.

Entrust moments to Him. If an opportunity comes up to talk about Jesus with someone, don’t be afraid to start small. Why not start by simply mentioning you went to church on the weekend. For you, this might feel like a big leap, but that’s okay. Just do it! You’ll learn to trust the Holy Spirit even more. Over time you’ll be able to entrust bigger and bigger moments to Him.

Start this process by identifying areas or moments in your life that you struggle to trust God in. Think about what action it would take to trust the Holy Spirit in that. Try it, reflect and celebrate the step of trust you took. Then repeat. Over time you’ll notice a willingness to trust Him in bigger things.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to a moment this week that you will need to trust Him. Decide now that you will take that opportunity when it comes. Try it and see what God does.

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is there to help and guide us. (Read John 14:26, Romans 8:26, Isaiah 11:2, Acts 1:8)

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.

About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

Feature image: Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash