Colour My World is the theme for the next Singalong at Adamstown Uniting Church at 2pm, Sunday, 21st April, 2024. The song titles will include all the colours of the rainbow and more. The songs are led by experienced singers with all the words on the big screen and Maestro Philip Sketchley keeps everyone in tune.
So, put on your White Sports Coat with a Pink Carnation and your Blue Suede Shoes, pick some Red Roses for a Blue Lady and head off in the Yellow Submarine to Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
Tickets at the door are $15 each with all proceeds going to good causes. and a light afternoon tea is included.
Cost: $15, Times: 02:00 pm
Contact: Libby Dickeson
4943 5316
Adamstown Uniting Church
Corner Glebe and Brunker Roads, Adamstown 2289