The Journey of a Foster Carer: Faith, Love, and Unconditional Care


Foster Care Week serves as a reminder of the incredible work that foster carers do every day, changing the lives of young people in need. One remarkable foster carer who’s passionate about making a difference is the talented Amelia Gardner. In addition to her musical career, she is a dedicated foster carer, providing a loving home to children of all ages. In a recent interview with Aaron Brown, Amelia shared her inspiring foster care journey and the profound impact it has had on her life.

Amelia’s Foster Care Journey:

Amelia’s journey into foster care began in 2018 when she and her husband became certified foster parents. They opened their hearts and home to children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers. Their story was born from a deep-rooted desire for adoption, something Amelia felt in her heart since she was a child.

“I’ve always had a heart for adoption,” Amelia confides. “The heart of adoption has been a big part of my life. I’ve always wanted to adopt.”

Her journey started with a profound conviction that led her towards fostering children. Growing up in America, Amelia was more familiar with adoption than fostering, but her unwavering desire to provide a loving and stable home remained constant.

However, she didn’t embark on this path immediately. Amelia and her husband took five years to travel, settle, and set up their lives before becoming parents. Their shared commitment to adoption and fostering was a critical foundation for their journey.

“Even when we were dating, it was something that was like, ‘I want to adopt. That’s on my heart,’ Amelia recalls. She also highlights the importance of being on the same page with her husband, Daniel, in terms of their calling to foster care and adoption.

Navigating the Australian Foster Care System:

The transition to foster care was marked by a significant shift in perspective. Amelia notes that she initially thought they’d have biological children first and then explore adoption. However, the Australian foster care system presented a different landscape.

“The Australian system is very different,” Amelia shares. “There’s not a lot of adoptions happening, especially from birth. It’s very much like fostering and supporting the child that’s in care.”

Despite this difference, Amelia’s journey into foster care was set in motion by a divine calling. It began with a revelation during a conference that left her with a profound sense of purpose. Amelia vividly recalls that moment:

“God just really spoke to me and just made it clear: Foster care is where I want you to go. I want you to go through this pathway to be a home for kids.”

Amelia’s heart for foster care found resonance in her husband, Daniel, albeit at a slightly different pace. She explains, “I spoke to Daniel about it. He wasn’t totally at that same place just yet, but God, within the next week or so, revealed to him that that was the plan.”

The Certification Process and Preparing for Foster Care:

Becoming a certified foster parent involved an extensive interview and training process, spanning about five to six months. This process is rigorous and intrusive, designed to ensure that prospective foster parents are prepared to provide the necessary support for children who have experienced trauma.

Amelia acknowledges the significance of this training, saying, “It’s quite extensive. It needs to be, because it is a big deal, especially because these beautiful kids are coming from trauma. They’ve experienced trauma, and they have different challenges.”

Throughout the process, Amelia and her husband felt a deep sense of peace, a confirmation that they were walking the path they were meant to follow. She reflects on their journey, saying, “We felt like such peace through the whole thing, like, ‘Yes, this is the path that we’re supposed to go on.'”

Seeing the Bigger Picture:

Amelia’s initial perception of foster care, which involved providing a safe haven for children, began to evolve. She admits that she once had a “hero mentality,” believing that they were the saviours of the children entering their home.

However, her journey illuminated the importance of family restoration and healing. She realized that her role wasn’t just to protect children but also to support their birth families whenever possible. Reflecting on this shift in perspective, she shares:

“God needed to work on me because he is a God of restoration, right? And healing, and, you know, how can we foster not just a child, but the family? I didn’t have that at the beginning. I was actually quite self-righteous.”

Addressing her initial hero mentality, she acknowledges, “I think, yeah, I think so. I think there was a lot of things I had to work through.” However, her journey led her to embrace a broader perspective, one rooted in empathy and healing for both the children and their birth families.

Supporting Foster Care Families:

Amelia recognizes that not everyone needs to become foster parents, but there are numerous ways to support foster care families. She encourages people to reach out and ask how they can help, emphasizing that small gestures can make a significant difference.

“Come to the park with us. Come and have dinner with us,” Amelia suggests. “Just see what it’s like and to be flexible. You’ve got to be really flexible and put your own desires aside.”

Amelia’s insistence on support extends beyond material aid. She emphasizes the importance of emotional support and presence, saying, “Just doing things like not necessarily bringing the coffee, bringing the food, bringing support. Yeah, just like, ‘Oh, could I help with visits? Could I help transport?'”

The Difference Foster Care Makes:

Amelia reflects on the profound impact that foster care has on the lives of children, particularly those who lack stable homes. She shares her concern for children who, in the absence of foster care, may find themselves in distressing situations.

“Foster care makes a difference,” Amelia declares. “It makes a difference that we provide a safe place, a loving home, even if it’s for one night, two nights, months, years, or forever. They need attachment and to be loved.”

She notes that the atmosphere of a loving and stable home, combined with the presence of God’s spirit, can bring healing and transformation to children who have experienced trauma.

“I think just the consistency and the atmosphere, there’s a lot to be said about atmospheres,” Amelia explains. “



Watch Amelia Gardner’s latest single here


Foster Care Week

As Christians, the call to care for vulnerable children through foster care resonates deeply with the Father’s heart. Every child deserves a safe home.

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