Q & A with Mandy:
Q. What are your 3 favourite songs at the moment?
A. Joy in the morning – Tauren Wells. Yes He can – Cain. Perfectly loved – Rachael Lampa
Q. Favourite places to visit in our area:
A. The Merewether baths. The Fernleigh Track. Just being out in the bush – I’ve always been a beach girl but not there’s something I’m finding really peaceful about the bush.
Q. Favourite things in life:
A. The Lord – Like I LOVE the Lord! My Partner and family. Nature – just being outside. Salt water. Food
Q. Favorite things to listen to on Rhema:
A. The sermons late at night and first thing in the morning. Luke & Susie. Luke’s laugh gets my daughter every time! Just how relatable (they are), the little things that they go through makes you feel ‘yeah well that’s what marriage is about’ but there’s still such a union of friendship there that I really admire.”
Q. What are you currently reading?
A. I listen to the Bible on audio. I read in the office just a lot of documents – I’m not really making time for what I enjoy because I’m in such a busy season at the moment.
Bikers for Kids will be holding their annual Toy Run on Sunday, 4th December, riding from Stockton to Wickham Park.
10 000 bikes and 18 000 people are expected to take part, bringing donations of toys, bikes, craft materials and gift cards.
Community members can also help with donations of new toys and gift cards. There is a special need for gifts for teenagers. If you would like to help, donations can be dropped off at the nearest Salvation Army Corps (Church), or email Caz for your nearest drop-off point. kaz.ohara@salvationarmy.org.au