Rhema FM’s Keith Davies finally caught on and bought his first smartphone (he’s watched technology rapidly emerge since the 80’s!). Find out what he learnt about his faith throughout the experience!

Now, don’t get me wrong… I consider that I’ve always adopted technology fairly early, along with the best of them. I’ve owned and used a variety of PDA’s (personal digital assistant) in the years when they were cutting-edge (20 years ago)! My first PC at work was an Apple IIE, and my first home PC was one of the very early Apple Macs (around 1983). I operated an overhead projector at my church, well before many churches had even heard of them.  I purchased an iPod, and then an iPad, when they were ‘hot’ items.

But when it came to a mobile phone, practicality and cost overruled the urge to keep up with latest technology.

I Just Bought My First Smartphone! 1

You see, I actually have only a minor need for mobile technology. At work, I am (mostly) desk-bound, with phone and the internet accessible at my finger-tips. At home, we have a very reliable NBN connection with a great PC, and free land-line calls.

So, for a number of years, now, I’ve owned a variety of basic flip-phones that were compact, lightweight, with basic communication functions, and easily slipped into a pocket. If I’ve needed an internet function, I just turned to a nearby PC. Upgrading to a smart phone was not an option as I didn’t want to have to carry around a 21st century ‘brick’.  And, with the move to even larger screens, most current smart-phones are not compact and lightweight.

But the death-warrant of the basic flip-phone has arrived, with the imminent demise of the 3G network. “You have to up-grade to 4G and a more up-to-date phone.”

I Just Bought My First Smartphone! 2

When I heard this news from my current carrier, I was annoyed, as circumstances were forcing me to begin the awful search for a new phone that was still compact, lightweight and pocketable.

But I have seen the light, brothers and sisters! I have been to the mountain-top (of the virtual phone store) and have found a model that fits my needs, and brings smart-phone technology to my fingertips. For example, like being able to take a portable calendar with me, which was once connected to a less-portable device. It’s early days but I think I’ve become a convert!

I’ve been thinking about this experience and how it mirrors, to some extent, what our spiritual walk can be like. I was content with the mobile technology that I had. It seemed to fit all of my needs, despite emerging technologies that I could observe around me. Indeed, I resisted the newer phone technology because I believed that it would not bring me anything that I didn’t already have.  Only circumstances beyond my control forced me to look outside my current experience, to discover more of what is available.

Perhaps we can also become complacent in our faith-walk. If we don’t grow as a Christian, if we don’t continue to learn more from God’s Word, if we don’t continue to seek a deepening relationship with Jesus or we don’t maintain an on-going prayer-life, we may be missing out on the blessing of greater spiritual maturity and deepening understandings and insights.

It’s funny isn’t it, that I was content with my old phone technology until I stepped out and discovered the joy of the new. So let’s not be content with where we are spiritually but, instead, step out and seek a greater understanding, a maturing faith and a deepening relationship with God.


Written by Keith Davies, The Long Lunch & Saturday Breakfast Host