This year for ‘International Women’s Day’, we are celebrating women who are and have been Bold for Change! Yay for the 8th of March!

It’s no secret that throughout the ages women have faced oppression as a result of their gender. In the Western world, society has become more accepting of gender equality, however the struggle is still present in many developing nations, with women overall being one of the largest underprivileged groups as a majority.

One of the greatest things about Jesus Christ, is that he came to save and love ALL.  He went against the cultural norms of the day when women didn’t have a voice or rights, and he gave them a sense of self-worth and respect. Jesus valued women throughout his Ministry and they proved to be essential in His resurrection story. Jesus was a man of social justice, who listened and cared for individuals despite their age, class, occupational status, nationality and gender.

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Galatians 3:28

God uses women every day in their worlds to be bold for Him. Let’s take a look at 5 women who God has used to make His name known, and this world a better place!



5 Christian women who were #BoldForChange 1

Christine was travelling when she became aware of how huge the issue of human trafficking was across Europe. As someone who knew what it was like to be abused and taken advantage of, her heart broke and God ignited the vision of the ‘A21 Campaign’ – an international anti-trafficking rescue and prevention group.

As a survivor of throat cancer and someone who speaks internationally preaching the word of God, Christine’s A21 initiative has ensured that rescue homes across the globe have been set up to rehabilitate victims. By working with local authorities, the A21 Campaign has rescued and saved countless women and children from being sexually abused and sold.  Her ministry is exponentially growing as they continue to save souls from this industry across the globe.


5 Christian women who were #BoldForChange 2

Corrie and her family were imprisoned for hiding Jews in the second World War. She and her sister Betsie were sent to a women’s labour camp in Germany, where her sister died due to a deterioration in her health. She smuggled in a bible to the camp and held worship sessions.

Corrie Ten Boom was released from the Nazi Concentration camp that she had been held in by administration error. A week later they killed all females her age.

After the War she opened up a rehabilitation centre back in the Netherlands where she grew up, for anyone needing care after the war. She wrote the best-seller ‘The Hiding Place’ and spoke about her family ordeal for years to come, with a feature film released recounting the horrific story.


5 Christian women who were #BoldForChange 3

Mother Teresa, known as a Saint within the Catholic church is known world-wide for her selfless work with the poor and marginalised as a Nun in Calcutta, India. She founded the ‘Missionaries of Charity’, a group which had thousands of fellow Sisters managing schools and orphanages, caring for people dying with diseases, facilitating food services and health clinics. She lived amongst the poor, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

‘By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.’


5 Christian women who were #BoldForChange 4

Catharine and her husband William Booth were founders of the Salvation Army. Catherine’s role in starting the movement was integral, and she is known as ‘the Mother’ of the Salvation Army. She believed firmly in equality and that women had the right to speak and preach within the church, influencing the structure of the Salvation Army in ordaining women to preach the Gospel and lead churches.

She spent much of her time within the Salvation Army assisting recovering alcoholics and approaching the wealthy in order to attain funding through campaigns for their initiatives. The Salvation Army was revolutionary at the time of its development in its approach, becoming a world-wide established church, birthed from the Booth family and their courage to follow Gods prompting despite public criticism, financial hardship, and chronic illnesses.


5 Christian women who were #BoldForChange 5

When Darlene Zschech opened up the Psalms and ‘Shout to the Lord’ began to flow from her heart into the keys of the Piano, she’d never have known that this song would become one the most popular Christian songs, said to be sung by 30 million worshipers every Sunday globally. After the recording of Hillsong’s first album titled ‘Shout to the Lord’, it pushed the church into the International music sector with Darlene heavily influencing Hillsong music’s sound for years to come.

She was worship Pastor at Hillsong for 11 years, paving the way for women to take on worship leading roles world-wide. Darlene continues to write and release Christian music whilst Pastoring a church on the Central Coast.


