New Beginnings: A Mum’s Guide to Intentional Living in the New Year


Hey there, fellow mums! As we bid farewell to the whirlwind of holiday festivities, school presentations, and the chaos of having the whole extended family under one roof, there comes a moment of sweet relief. The kids are on school holidays, and we find ourselves with a chance to catch our breath. It’s that time of the year when we can reflect, reset, and envision what the new year might look like for us and our families.


Reflection on the Past

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. The holiday season is a beautiful mess of joy and craziness. From the school presentations that had us both proud and slightly stressed, to the endless food preparations, parties, and the heart-warming chaos of Christmas celebrations—it’s been quite a ride. As we sit in the aftermath of it all, it’s helpful to pause and reflect on the highs, the lows, and everything in between.


Creating Space for Intentionality

Now, let’s talk about the buzzword of the hour: intentional living. I get it—amid the busyness of mum life, finding time for intentional reflection can seem like an impossible task. But here’s the thing: it’s crucial. Take a moment to ponder what you want this new year to look like. How do you want to invest your time? How can you be intentional about making this year great for yourself and your family?


Integrating Key Activities/Practices

Let’s break it down into actionable steps. Consider it your mum’s guide to intentional living:

  1. Health: It’s time to prioritise your well-being. Whether it’s a morning walk, a quick home workout, or simply making mindful food choices, find ways to incorporate wellness into your daily routine.
  2. Connection: Relationships matter. Schedule regular moments to connect with friends, your spouse, and those precious little ones. It could be a family game night, a coffee date with a friend, or simply reading stories at bedtime.
  3. Discipleship: Spiritual growth is a journey, and the new year is a perfect time to embark on it. Dig into the Word, and consider how you can deepen your faith individually and as a family. If you’re not already plugged into a Bible reading plan, consider browsing through the YouVersion app to find one. 
  4. Community Involvement: Being part of a community is enriching. Whether it’s your church, sports, hobbies, or neighbourhood activities, find ways to be involved. It’s amazing how a sense of community can uplift and support you.


Small Decisions, Big Impact

Now, let’s talk about the magic of small decisions. Those little choices we make every day? They shape our future. The decision to prioritise a 10-minute walk, to choose a heartfelt conversation over screen time—it all adds up. Don’t underestimate the power of the seemingly small things.


So here’s to new beginnings, fellow mums! Embrace the intentional living mindset this year. Reflect on the past, create space for what matters, and integrate activities that make your heart and soul sing. Remember, the small decisions you make today are shaping the beautiful future you’re building for yourself and your family.


Wishing you a year filled with intention, joy, and countless beautiful moments!


Written by: Rachel Kiujian –  Content Wise

Want to read more about intentional living? Checkout this Youversion bible reading plan by John C. Maxwell.

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