Business Directory 1
Our Sponsors Directory is the place to find local, community-minded businesses across the Hunter reigon. All businesses listed in this directory support Rhema 99.7 through our Sponsorship Packages. 

Antonuccio & Associates

PH: (02) 4940 8433


Avondale University

PH:  (02) 4980 2222

Aaron Brown

Belmont Christian College

PH: (02) 4922 8300

Ben Kiujian

Catholic Diocese of Maitland Newcastle

PH: (02) 4979 1200


Aaron Brown

Charlton Christian College

Ph: (02) 4959 9111


CRU Lake Mac Camp & Conference Centre

PH: (02) 4973 2453





Dr Pepper Paul

PH:  (02) 4961 1602



Ben Kiujian

Gateway Care Hunter

PH: (02) 4972-1963

Ben Kiujian

Healing Path to Wellness

PH: (02) 4081 3800

Ben Kiujian

Hillsong Newcastle

PH: 1300 535 353

Ben Kiujian

Improved Disability service 

PH: 1300 587 808 

Aaron Brown


PH:  (02) 4933 0410

Aaron Brown

J Catt Electrical

PH: 0402935423




Ben Kiujian

Solar Technology & Electrical

PH: 0498 537 907


Sydney Missionary Bible College​

Ph: (02) 9747 4780


Ben Kiujian

Terrace Boating

PH: (02) 4983 5600

Aaron Brown

Westlakes Vet Hospital

PH:  (02) 4959 5766

Ben Kiujian

Williams the Jewellers

PH: 02) 4940 0300